[Fourlanders] September Contest W4NH

Ron Rogers ww8rr at charter.net
Thu Aug 17 13:27:49 EDT 2023

Hey Bob,
I plan to repeat what I have recently been doing.....arrive early Sat evening and do an "all -nighter" on 6M scatter or yell at the moon on 144 or 432  if conditions are good.
Then spend a good portion of Sunday helping  drive 1 or more stations as needed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fourlanders [mailto:fourlanders-bounces+ww8rr=charter.net at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bob Lear
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 8:36 PM
To: FourLanders Contest Team
Subject: [Fourlanders] September Contest W4NH

It’s that time again. Planning for the September contest on the 9th and 10th at the W4ZST QTH. 

Let me know if you want to participate or visit.

The usual accommodations for the operators, just let me know.

I’m hoping Jerry will again offer to cook for us.

The usual Saturday lunch before the contest at Roosters at 11:30

73, Bob

Sent from my iPad
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