Gang what a great showing! I need to dust my self off and come contest with you all again. Let me say this I know the mountain top very very well where AA4ZZ is. I used to have a UHF ham repeater there. You could work it 100 + miles out in Charlotte with a portable with rubber duck. That mountain location is nothing short of stellar. BTW I know where this is an .8 acre lot about a mile down the ridge from them (same elevation maybe higher) for sale that is in a great spot too for a real deal!

Shane KI4M

On 2/6/2014 6:12 PM, wrote:
Along the bottom of the spreadsheet are tabs:
50Q - 6-meter contacts
50M - 6-meter grids
144Q - 2-meter contacts
144M - 2-meters

... and so on.

EACH tab is sorted by its category.

We were better than W4IY and AA4ZZ on 6-meters.  On the other bands we lagged behind them.

For 144 MHz. and higher, I think this reflects location, location, location.

Just my observation.

73, Kim

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