Scanners? I've got a couple of scanners at home and one nicer one at work to chose from. I could take a shot at scanning them. Negative to positive conversion is trivial.


On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 3:29 PM, <> wrote:
Does anyone still have capability to do photographic prints anymore?  I found some B/W film negatives and I'd like to be able to see what they were and maybe want some prints out of them.  I would be happy with contact prints to start with, just so I could see what all the negs really are.  I don't think there are more negs than would contact print on maybe 3 or 4 8x10 papers.

Or does anyone have a scanner that will scan and produce a positive image from the negatives.  That would be nice as it wouldn't require any paper at all, until I decided if and what I wanted printed.

Thanks, Bob

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