-----Forwarded Message-----
From: "Bryan Dunn w3cp@arrl.net [nfarl]"
Sent: Jul 29, 2014 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [nfarl] Delta Meteor Shower
Hi John,
> point your antenna at the station you are trying to contactIt is a little more nuanced than that! :-)The current practice is to point your antenna at one of the "hot spots", affectionately referred to as "hot A" and "hot B", which are known to exist on paths slightly askew from the direct path (one on each side). Depending on the time of day, one hotspot is better than the other. When set to a MS mode like FSK441 or ISCAT, WSJT will tell you which hotspot to use. A decent explanation of the physics can be found here: http://www.qsl.net/w8wn/hscw/prop/spor-met.html.
I'm active on 6m MS (449 Qs to date). I have found the antenna pointing is not that critical, because the antenna beamwidth is wide enough to cover both hot spots when pointed right at the other station. On the other hand, on higher bands (up to 222 is used for MS), the antenna patterns get much sharper so the the antenna azimuth starts to matter much more. Some stations use their 2x2 EME arrays on 2m or 222 for MS, and in that case pointing at the right hot spot becomes critical.
73,Bryan W3CPOn Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 8:36 AM, John Kludt johnnykludt@earthlink.net [nfarl] <nfarl@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Jim and NFARL,
Brings up an interesting question. In the old days of meteor scatter, everyone pointed their antennas toward the NE as that supposedly was where meteor density was the highest. The current practice with FSK441 seems to be topoint your antenna at the station you are trying to contact. I am curious if anyone out there can explain the science behind this change in practice.
John K4SQC-----Original Message-----
From: "Jim Stafford qrp@bellsouth.net [nfarl]"
Sent: Jul 28, 2014 10:23 PM
To: nfarl
Subject: [nfarl] Delta Meteor Shower
If I read this correctly, in 6 hours should be the peak of this shower:jim/4qo __._,_.___
Posted by: Bryan Dunn <w3cp@arrl.net>
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