Hello folks,
At 3PM today, I'm sending up a weak beacon at 433.900MHz +/- a few KHz.
See the vid here:

My hexacopter only runs for 5-10 minutes at a time, so please be patient, and let me deal with the problems I'll certainly encounter.
Hopefully it won't rain on me, you or the copter.

This beacon is intentionally weak.  But you might pick it up once I get it high in the air.
If you can receive CW or USB, you'll hear the true annoying tone of the beacon.

If you have a chinaman HT that is FM only, you can hear it on FM as a carrier interruption.
But the cliff-effect of FM will limit your range.  Open the squelch, it might help.

I hope to have an HT tuned to the .15 machine so we can chat.
But be aware that I will have my hands full and won't be able to talk at times.

So aim your antennae towards Sawnee Mountain, and let me know if you hear anything.
