OK…I’m ready to again commit to 432 band captain duty and  towing of the generator.


Current contest project being worked on is the building of a remote antenna switch for the 2M station using 1 of the 25 volt Dow-Key latching coax relays I won on E-bay.  25 volt power supply is complete. Switch box with LED indicators and Hoppy connector pigtail is complete. Next up to be wired is the relay unit itself and Hoppy pigtail.




From: Fourlanders [mailto:fourlanders-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of w4zst@windstream.net
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 12:15 PM
To: fourlanders@contesting.com
Subject: [Fourlanders] September VHF Contest


Time to start planning for the September VHF contest on the mountain. The dates are Sept 11-14.

Jim has made the reservations at the campground for us for the contest.

We need to hear from all the volunteer trailer pullers, operators and other participants so we can see if we can come up with a viable number of folks to do the contest. It's certainly time to go back to the mountain after missing getting to go in June. Some of us might go into withdrawal!!

We need to identify band captains, pullers especially for the two cargo trailers and the larger tower trailers. It would be nice to identify a new cook, but I will do it if there are no new volunteers. Just remember that I have been doing triple duty being overall contest planner/coordinator, cook and 222 band captain. I don't think there will be any chance of also having microwave at the contest this time either.

So, let me know what your plans are ASAP so we can make the decision about going to the mountain for the contest.

This is one of the years when the contest comes the weekend after the Shelby hamfest.

73, Bob