Things are going well. Ron came up yesterday and Matthew was here
to help. We got the trailer situated and the 432 quad array and the
omni antennas up and tested. Ron then worked on setting up his 432
station and did get everything going after some minor problems.
Matthew helped with running the 6m feedline and control cables in
the underground conduit we had put in at the end of the driveway a
week or so ago. This is to make sure we won't be running over the
cable again.
Matthew and I also installed and tested the new 2m Beam/Omni
latching relay at the 2m trailer that Ron obtained and built up.
Now we only need one feed line for 2m. We had run a 1/2" hardline
and LMR-600 cables from inside the shack to the far end of the
building along with two rotor cables with connectors. Now we don't
have to roll out feedline and rotor cables for 2m or whatever band
ends up at the far end of the building and the cables won't be
either underfoot or hanging around to 'clothesline' the
unsuspecting. We had also run permanent cables in the building for
We also set up, networked and tested the contest computers and
server. Had the gateway address problem again but got it
straightened out. Still need to remember to change the address of
the router in Great White so we don't have to keep running in to
this. 6m and 432 computers working 100% in WL with CW and SSB live
and recorded audio and keying. I"m still working on 222 but expect
no problems and Kos will bring the 2m station Friday evening and set
it up.
We have 13 operators signed up now for the contest. Only two of the
ops aren't spending Saturday night, choosing to go home instead.
Some folks are also coming to stay and hang out on Friday evening
Excellent news that I forgot to pass on earlier. Jerry W5TDY is
cooking our dinner for Saturday night so I do need a good
count for him. I expect all the 13 ops to be here for that meal and
if any of our possible visitors wish to stay for dinner on Saturday
evening, you are certainly invited and welcome but please let me
know ASAP if you will so I can get an accurate count to
Jerry. He always cooks a lot of food but this group is also known
for consuming 'Mass Quantities' so let me know and we'll have plenty
of food. Jerry will surprise us with the menu as he hasn't let me
know what he's cooking yet but those of us who've had his BBQ and
other goodies know that it will be great whatever he brings.
Also I will have breakfast Sunday morning for the overnighters and
anyone else wanting to show up. Pancakes and sausage and coffee.
Lunch for everyone here on Saturday, either sandwiches or hot dogs
and chips as I haven't decided yet. I will also have something for
Sunday evening dinner for those still here then. sometimes it thins
out. OK for anyone to stay including visitors but again if anyone
wanting to be here for the Sunday meals, let me know also so
that I can make sure have enough. If the evening count is small we
may just get take out Pizza from town.
Just for completeness the operators are: Johnny K4SQC, Kos N4NIA,
Bob W4ZST, Ron WW8RR, Kim WG8S, Jim W4KXY, Ivan K4VJM, Jack K5FSE,
Jerry W5TDY, Bill KI4US, John N8UR, Matthew KM4OHR and hopefully JIm
WE8W who is teetering right now on getting to attend. I'm copying
visitors who have expressed interest.
Also anyone wanting to come visit Friday evening just to hang out is
also welcome. Those of us here will go somewhere in town to eat
supper and then come back to BS, have a cold one, watch Kos set up
the 2m station, get on the air on the other stations if there is any
activity or just for questions or show and tell. If you want to
join us before, for supper and later, just let me know and I"ll get
you the details about what time and where we will go to eat. OK to
come up in the afternoon on Friday as I'll be here and maybe some
others too.
This should be the last contest update. Looks like good weather for
the weekend. Hope we have some propagation and can make some good
See you soon, 73 Bob