This is a fun thing to think about. A big flywheel comes to mind.Some guy took out a patent on using suit-case-sized capacitor banks to supply the peak impulse power to the tube:But gee whiz, when you bottle up *that* much energy in a cap,or a flywheel watch out!If the X-ray machine control circuits aren't too sensitive to voltage sag, maybe you could get away with heavier AC mains wire, and big slo-blow!73TomW4SDROn Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 12:35 PM, Bill Pence <> wrote:yes, this 100A at 240v for 2.5 sec is the highest setting.i figure it will not be used often.I do not have info on 'lesser" settings.I am trying to fit the max, and am getting moreinfo on the machine,On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 12:17 PM, ww8rr <> wrote:______________________________Oh yes...and i forgot to add that the specs of the xray machine (like most AC usage specs) most likely are stating the absolute worst case power requirement and most generally consume power at a more conservative level.RonFrom my Samsung Galaxy S4
-------- Original message --------
Date: 09/14/2016 11:41 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: Fourlanders <>
Subject: Re: [Fourlanders] engineering challengeI wrote to Bill directly, but will post to the group."Momentary" power is specified with some generator units.Kohler's diesel 10 kW gen set supplied 300% rated current for up to 10 seconds.Generac did not give a spec.So.... your mileage varies!Kim_________________
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