
It was quite a weekend.  Suggestions follow:
No major attachment to any of these ideas.  Sometimes it is fun to switch things around just to see if we can do a little better than the time before.  And it is something different - keeps us on our toes!

Johnny K4SQC

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bob Lear
>Sent: Jan 28, 2017 11:03 AM
>To: FourLanders Contest Team
>Subject: [Fourlanders] January contest score submitted
>I reviewed the log (which didn't take long) and fixed a busted call and
>a grid mistake. Only reduced by one Q on 2m.
>Submitted to 3830 and ARRL. Received ARRL receipt.
>Final was 12,285 points. Right now 3rd in multi submissions on 3830 but
>probably won't stay there.
>In preparation for June, please send me any suggestions about FM
>strategy or station setup changes that you may have so we can get
>discussion going. We did not come away with concrete plans from the
>meeting last weekend.
>Thanks and 73, Bob W4ZST
>Fourlanders mailing list