Howard, W4PH and I roved again this year under my call.

We started out on Saturday at Waterrock Knob on the Blue Ridge Parkway, not far from Mile High in EM85. Of course I activated the summit for SOTA before the contest.  The rain didn't bother us and we made some decent Q's, W4NH among others then headed home for the night.

Sunday we went to Carver's Gap near Roan Mtn, TN, EM86.  Rain again and wind and only a handful of Q's.
Next, we went to Grandmother Mtn, EM96 and did fairly well there as well and activated it for SOTA on HF until rain cut it short.
Next we went to Jonas Ridge, EM95 and stayed there until just before dark.  We left there and were going to go to Mt Mitchell, EM85 again and try our luck there but the fog on the BRP was so thick we were driving by imagination and decided to get off the mtn.  We went down 226 to Marion and on to Asheville to Beaucatcher Mtn and picked up a fair number of 144 simplex contacts from a local net.

We had no band openings at all but did hear a couple of cq calls that may have been very, very brief openings on 6 but got no answers when we replied.  Meteor scatter??  Who knows.

All in all, we had:
38 50 Mhz Q's
63 144 Mhz Q's
5 220 Mhz Q;s
8 432 Mhz Q's
114 Q's total

Visited 4 grids and had 29 multipliers.
Claimed score of 3,770.

We did NOT hear AA4ZZ anytime during the contest.
We did not hear any other rovers so we are hopeful of taking Roanoke in Limited Rover once again and maybe a decent place in LR nationwide.
Dean Blair ~ Amateur Radio Call K2JB
Amateur Radio: It's not rocket science.
It's the Hobby preferred by rocket scientists.