Please mail in your
registration, our pre-registration ends April 15th. We need the head
count for Friday Lunch and Saturday Banquet by then. Note that the hotel has change it's lunch menu this year, it now offers
a Chicken Salad option, and the Grilled Veggies and Cheese has become a
Veggie Wrap for this year. I have modified the registration form for
this change. If you have already registered, and want to change your
lunch or diner selection, just email me and I will get it changed, and
notify you within a couple of days.You can download the registration form at and fill it out
and send the money with the registration or by using PayPal to
"" by April 15th. Please include you call and lunch
and diner choices in the PayPal notes, and remember to mail in the
registration form so we have the hard copy a week before the conference.I hope to see many of you there.