This is interesting.  This is one of the guys that I operated with from the Bahamas on 6 meters 2 years ago.  Interesting story there that I will share on the mountain if you are interested.  Anyway, I believe that these guys should be within MS range on 6 and 2, possibly higher bands as well.

Jim, W4KXY

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Kenneth Silverman <>
Date: June 5, 2017 at 10:02:01 AM EDT
To:, " Reflector" <>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] C6ATA in ARRL June VHF Contest

The Bahamas will be active on 50, 144, 222, 432 and 1296 from Jun 7-15, and
C6ATA will be used in the June VHF contest. We believe this will be the
first time 222 has been activated, while only ten 23cm EME QSOs have been
made by C6ARI.  Our focus will be on terrestrial propagation.  There will
be activity before and after the contest.  QSL C6ACC via K8CC, C6ALY via
K6KLY, C6AMG via WB4OMG and C6ATA via NN7AZ or LOTW.

2m will run MSK144 often, and we hope to have 6m QRV on JT65/MSK144.  The
operation will be in grid square FL15wc, but watch out for some rover
operation in rare FL14 - we may just head down for a bit.

C6ATA 6m QSOs and possibly some HF will be recorded and accessible via the
callsign lookup at

Let's hope for great propagation!  73, Kenny K2KW - C6ATA
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