
Yes, it is a bit extreme.  I am sure one of the unwritten goals is to reduce the time available for log scrubbing.  With the Internet resources available  the fear is the log submitted may not really represent the contest you worked.  Or so goes the theory increasingly in the HF contest world.

My hunch is the ARRL was prepared for the howling and will probably not be much moved.  So we can all grumble a bit and then move on.  Bigger fish to fry.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Rogers
Sent: Jul 10, 2017 8:56 AM
To: 'Jim Worsham' ,
Subject: Re: [Fourlanders] Fwd: [VHF] ARRL Contests - Log Submission Deadlines - Now 5 Days for most events beginning in September


“…and it will bring ARRL contest deadlines into alignment with a majority of
most major contests that have followed a 5 day deadline for some time.”


Well, they must be referring to some other non-ARRL sponsored contests because looking ahead to future ARRL HF contests I see they are not implementing this 5 day deadline just for VHF contests. They are now moving up the deadline on ALL of their HF contests, too.  


But, If they try to enforce this 5 day rule on EME contests, when ARRL is STILL NOT accepting Cabrillo file format logs for the EME contests and force hand written log submittals, someone will have their heads. (opps….that’s inciting violence, isn’t it?)


The next thing to come will probably be some damned entry fee to cover ARRL labor to process the results !!




From: Fourlanders [] On Behalf Of Jim Worsham
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 1:37 AM
Subject: [Fourlanders] Fwd: [VHF] ARRL Contests - Log Submission Deadlines - Now 5 Days for most events beginning in September


Have you guys seen this?  Five days!  We are hardly off the mountain and unpacked in five days.  I have no idea where this bat shit crazy idea came from.  Bob, as Fourlanders el presidente you should file a formal protest with ARRL starting with our director, ARRL president and anyone else you can think of.



Jim, W4KXY

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bart Jahnke via VHF <>
Date: July 9, 2017 at 11:22:36 AM EDT
To: VHF Reflector <>
Subject: [VHF] ARRL Contests - Log Submission Deadlines - Now 5 Days for most events beginning in September
Reply-To: Bart Jahnke <>


As you may have heard on reflectors or are seeing on the ARRL web,
beginning with the 2017-2018 Contest Season (kicks off with September VHF),
the ARRL log submission deadline has been advanced to become within 5 days
after the event. Eg, if the event ends on the 11th, the deadline for online
or mail/postmark log submissions is the 16th.

This action will advance the ARRL's ability to release more timely results,
and it will bring ARRL contest deadlines into alignment with a majority of
most major contests that have followed a 5 day deadline for some time. [*Should
there be a mitigating circumstance that will prevent a timely log filing
online or by mail, such participants can contact the ARRL Contest Branch to
discuss these circumstances and identify the expected filing date*.]

While the August QST -  September VHF Contest - announcement specified a
30-day deadline when it went to press over 3 weeks ago, we will give due
consideration to anyone affected by that confusion.

The ARRL web log deadlines are being updated for all events beginning with
September VHF.  Some events like the "222 MHz and Up Distance Contest" for
2018 are an unknown yet, as the 2017 event has a 14-day deadline (as
announced with this new event).  Field Day is currently unaffected.

Observing 3830 and VHF reflector posts in recent events, many electronic
filers have shared their results which ended up being unchanged (eg, their
final logs and scores) and were filed within the first 24 hours after the

Any questions can be directed to or to my


Bart Jahnke, W9JJ

Contest Branch Manager

*ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™*

*225 Main St*

*Newington CT 06111*

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