We are on GO for the contest. We've had some folks with family issues that have been resolved, problems with the computers that may or may not be resolved, but we have the XP computers for back-up duty if needed as we are not using any radios that require the new version of WL for this contest now. We have time to keep testing and go whichever way is needed.
Do note that one of my posts indicated the contest dates and were off by a day on the numbers. Actual correct dates are September 8, 9, 10 and 11 for us. I had looked at a calendar that started the week on Monday and threw me off. We will leave the W4ZST QTH around 9 to 9:30 AM on the 8th. Leaving the campground before noon on Monday the 11th and we usually arrive in Dahlonega about 3PM or so. Actual contest times are 2PM on Saturday the 9th through 11PM on Sunday the 10th.
Good News! My constant begging finally paid off and we have a new member and trailer puller for this contest. Many of you have met Rick Woodard KK4LPP at my shack when we've done contests in Dahlonega. He decided this week to come along and provide the much-needed trailer pulling duty for us. So now we will not have to do the back-up sharing plan and will have our full complement of trailers available. This also brings our group up to 9 for the contest, a good number of operators to have.
This was our week for a Go-NoGo decision and I'm happy that things have now worked out and we can look forward to a full contest weekend at the mountain-top location.
Still testing the new computers here at the W4ZST shack, set up and emulating contest conditions, making bogus Q's, testing functions of WL, making sure we have recorded files playing properly, etc. Three days now with stable conditions and no bugs popping up. Will continue as time is available.
Heading out to Huntsville hamfest this weekend and then on to Clemson for the Eclipse Party, back Tuesday next week to continue activities here like trailer prep, food list, etc.
73, Bob
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