Hello everyone.  W4NH will be on for CQWW VHF this weekend from EM84 near Dahlonega, GA.  Operating the usual 1 kW TX and stacked beams on 6 and 2.  We will be fully digital capable on 6 and 2 with FT8 terrestrial, MSK144 meteor scatter and JT65 EME as well as the usual SSB and CW analog modes.  Frequencies for FT8: 50.313 and 144.174.  Frequencies for MSK144: 50.260 plus or minus and 144.140 plus or minus.  Frequency for 2M EME is TBD.  We don’t plan to keep a rigid schedule (you never know when the bands might be open) but we will be on the PingJockey and N0UK-1 EME websites when we are active on EME and meteor scatter.  Good luck in the test everyone.



Jim, W4KXY

Acting 6M Band Captain