I've sent summary to our pullers, campers and operators.
If any one not currently signed up wishes to visit, please let me know timing so we can adjust food..
we'll arive at Mile High camground as usual about 2pm ish Friday to begin setup
and breakdown for the pull home Monday morning.
the contest is 2pm saturday until 11pm sundey night.
If you are unable to visit, please try to work us on the bands you are able to operate.
we'll have CW, SSB and FT8 on the air.
we currently have 15 full time folk signed up.
we plan to have 6m, 2m, 222, 432, 1296, and 10 GHz. might have more uwave?
so lots of opportunity to get on the air.
we can feed more and have more operators as well...
please let me know if you can get there and help us work more grids!!
Bill Pence