I have available for sale a Yaesu FT-897 HF/50/144/432 MHz all mode transceiver. It is in great condition and has been tested on all bands and modes. Works 100%. I used this transceiver mostly on 6 and 2 Meters for a number of years. Worked VUCC on both bands with this transceiver. Time to let it go and move on. It has all of the internal options installed: CW Collins mechanical filter, Narrow SSB Collins mechanical filter, TCXO. Includes the original mic, DC power cord, CAT interface cable, printed manual and service manual CD. All in the original box. But wait, there is more! I am also including the external LDG FT Meter and YT-100 antenna tuner. The entire package is priced at $900 to sell quickly to a Fourlander/friend. Contact me directly if you are interested.
Jim, W4KXY