The Fourlanders VHF/UHF Contest
W4NH, 2019 Calendar
Here are some of our important dates for the year 2019, contests and
January 19-20 ARRL January VHF Contest (at W4ZST)
February 8-10 Orlando Hamcation
23 Dalton Hamfest
April 26-28 SVHFS SuperConference, Sterling VA
May 17-19 Dayton Hamvention
June 1 Atlanta Hamfest, Marietta GA
8-10 ARRL June VHF Contest (reservation at MileHigh
Campground for W4NH)
22-23 ARRL Field Day
July 20-21 CQ WW VHF contest (at W4ZST)
TBA Central States VHF Society Conference,
Lincoln NB
August 17-18 Huntsville Hamfest
30-31 Shelby Hamfest
September 14-16 ARRL September VHF Contest (res at MileHigh
Campground for W4NH)
21-22 ARRL EME Contest first weekend 2.3GHz
and up
October 19-20 ARRL EME Contest second weekend 6m to 1296 (1)
TBA MIcrowave Update Conference, Dallas TX
November 2-3 (?) Lawrenceville/Stone Mountain Hamfest
16-17 ARRL EME Contest third weekend 6m to
1296 (2)