I received this email today.  Anyone interested in a trip to the other side of the pond to BS about 6M?

Jim, W4KXY

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: <chris@gare.co.uk>
Date: January 13, 2019 at 11:15:18 AM EST
To: <wa4kxy@bellsouth.net>
Subject: G3WOS's 2019 6M BBQ - August 10th 2019

G3WOS's 2019 50MHz BBQ

G3WOS's 2019 6M / 50MHz BBQ
- in conjunction with the UKSMG -


My apologies if you have already received this email.

After the great success of all the previous 6M BBQs, I am holding another on Saturday 10th August 2019 in Farnborough, Hampshire UK  - so make a note in your diary and let me know if you wish to attend.

Take a look at the 2005 BBQ web site if you want to see what it’s all about. As we have always had a good number of non-UK 6m hams attend, I am sending this now so that you can plan your summer around the event by visiting the UK!

There will be plenty of food and drink, lots of 6m guys to talk to and argue with and XYLs are positively encouraged! I hope that we will see an even better turn out of non-UK 6m enthusiasts. For those wanting to stay over on Friday night, many will be able to stay in the same hotel (The Falcon as in 2017) and I will organise another great 6m dinner for the Friday evening!

There will be several interesting talks to help pass the long hot summer day...

The cost of the BBQ is 25 UK Pounds and will need to be paid in advance of the event.

I know it's a long way off, but if you are interested in attending PLEASE send me an email stating your level of interest. If I don't hear from you then I could assume there is no interest!

73 Chris G3WOS - chris@gare.co.uk