I've heard from Kim, Brian and Kos.

We need to know who will be at w4zst so meals and beds can be planned.  

Please reply.   I'll forward to Jerry and Bob as needed.  


On Mon, May 13, 2019, 3:38 PM Bill Pence <pence.bill@gmail.com> wrote:
helo everyone.

hopefully, hamvention plans are filled in and planning is going well.
(did you get the smartphone app? sems well put together...)

I hope to see everuone that can make it.
 Looking forward to seing some old friends myself as well.

we need to begin planning for June at Bob's.  
he'll need to know who is staying to plan sleeping and he and Jerry can plan food.

I think there are some station options available to band captains if they wish to avail themselves.

we will have the normal 6/2/222/70cm along with 1296 as far as I know right now.

more ops is always a good thing of course.  I also have a concept of simple laser tx/rx/ system that I want to demo.  lots of room for improvement, but there is a basic operation available..
(and it uses $tree components...)

I don't know what meals/menus are planned, but as I am sure you recall, we eat well during contest weekend.

please reply to me and copy bob and jerry on your plans.  Band captains, we should have a small distribtui list to make any plans we are needing to work out.

thnks!! see you at Hamvention Friday!

 - KI4US