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CHRISTOP PATTERSON <w3cmp@comcast.net>Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 10:00 AM
Subject: [VHFcontesting] UK has Eliminated Multi-Op and single Op Shared Stations for Present Time
To: <
Hello all:
Although it doesn't directly affect a lot of us on March 19th the RSGB announced: "As a result of the UK government’s recent advice on social distancing, it is with regret that the HF Contest Committee (HFCC) and the VHF Contest Committee (VHFCC) have decided that, with immediate effect and until the end of June 2020, we will no longer accept multi-operator contest entries for any RSGB Contest.
Single operator entries from shared stations will also not be accepted, unless the station is being shared by family members living at the same postal address. The HFCC has taken the decision that the RSGB HF CW NFD Contest (June) is cancelled for this year.
We have decided not to ban portable operation by single operators because of the potential mental health benefits associated with engaging in hobbies etc. as well as the lack of person-to-person contact in normal single operator contesting. However, we encourage everyone to follow the government guidelines regarding social distancing and unnecessary travel.
We will review these rule changes regularly in line with the most recent government advice to determine if we need to extend or modify the restrictions. In early June we will decide if the VHF NFD, the IOTA Contest and SSB NFD can go ahead as planned."
ian.g0fct@gmail.com?subject=Re:%20RSGB%20HF%20and%20VHF%20Contest%20Rules%20Changes In addition, the UKSMG (United Kingdom Six Meter Group) has also eliminated the multi-op category for this year's summer Es contest in June.
Is there any word from the ARRL about eliminating entry categories or cancelling contests?
73, Chris Patterson W3CMP
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