hey, fourlanders, 
just  quick note to encourage any of you who have been meaning to get on the club list to please do so ASAP so we can finalize our club entry enrollment.  This has to be submitted (with an approval process) PRIOR to the contest.

so NOW is the time to get signed up!!

also, for those so inclined, there is a Hamvention QSO party tomorrow (saturday)  from 8am to 8pm EDT...

N1MM has a user defined contest that will configure for the QSO party.
If you have questions, ping me here  or text 706 680 6342.

I was planning to try and make a few qso's just to get me n1mm skills back from a hiatus...

more info on the QSO party and a link to the n1mm contest file here:

(plus a CERTIFICATE!!)

73 KI4US