Who bought these?
I have finally begin putting solder to pcb and parts are missing... 
 Today I put out digikey order for missing and changed resistor value along with demi order for missing mini circuit amp....

I can send details if needed.  I'd also be interested in donations of unbuilt kits if you are so inclined.

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015, 12:10 PM <whensley11@comcast.net> wrote:
Sorry for the typo in my email - W1GHZ transverters.
In case you are not aware, there is a Yahoo group for these transverters, and that's the source of my info.
If you have this transverters, but you do not belong to the Yahoo group for them, I would recommend doing so.
Kim - WG8S ........... and I have no stock or interest in Yahoo!      :)
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