Hello everyone. I hope that everyone had a good Christmas. As you may know, our aggregate club score didn’t appear in the June VHF contest results. I asked Sherman, W4ATL to contact the appropriate folks at ARRL and the response he received is below. Long story short, we did a name change after the June contest for administrative reasons and because of some snafu we didn’t get listed. I am not happy either. How many clubs are there called Fourlanders that they couldn’t have figured that out? It is what it is though. Good news is we will have an aggregate club score for September and we are set for January. Just remember to submit your logs with the club listed as Fourlanders Contest Team. You must also be on “the list” as a member. Bill, KI4US is the keeper of the list and will be sending that out to make sure it is correct. I am collecting membership dues for 2021 now. Dues are $30 and they can be sent to me via PayPal (w4kxy@bellsouth.net) or a good old fashioned check in the mail. That is all I have for now.

Jim, W4KXY

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sherman Banks <w4atl@shermanbanks.net>
Date: December 22, 2020 at 3:16:01 PM EST
To: Jim Worsham <w4kxy@bellsouth.net>
Subject: Fwd: VHF Contest Club Competition

I finally got a response. Looks like we will have an entry for the September contest.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: RE: VHF Contest Club Competition
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 19:03:12 +0000
From: Bourque, Paul, N1SFE <n1sfe@arrl.org>
To: Sherman Banks <w4atl@shermanbanks.net>

Hi Sherman,


I think the issue with the Fourlanders Contest Group not being reported in the June VHF contest was that the eligibility list uploaded was for the old group name, and when the name change occurred, the old name and everything associated with it was deleted from the database.


The club scoring system under the new Contesting website is relatively new, and I didn't foresee the database getting out of synch with the name change- which I do apologize for.  I've contacted our web programmer and he's working on a fix to make sure that issue is resolved.  I don't think you'll be doing another name change for your group in the near future, so this likely won't affect you again.


For the September event (see below), I do see that you've got a score attributed to your club,  so you can let your members know that their scores will indeed be counted for the January event, as long as they are on the eligibility list and that they reside and operated within the club territory.


Fourlanders Contest Team

Eligibilty list uploaded at 2020-09-03 18:04:33

All eligible members must live and operate within a 175 mile radius of EM74wd.

2020 Sep VHF













Operator is not on the club eligibility list









































Paul Bourque, N1SFE

Contest Program Manager


ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio®

225 Main Street

Newington CT 06111-1400

Telephone: 860-594-0232

Fax: 860-594-0346




-----Original Message-----
From: Sherman Banks <w4atl@shermanbanks.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 10:32 AM
To: Contest <contest@arrl.org>
Subject: VHF Contest Club Competition


The Fourlanders Contest Team is considering another entry in the club competition category for the January VHF Contest. The club members made a considerable effort to get on the air in June to contribute to the total club score. Personally, I acquired a 2M LNA and power amplifier to improve my signal on 2M. We verified the proper name to submit with the ARRL, instructed our members on which name to use, and when I uploaded my log into the ARRL Web Portal I verified that the club name we were told to use was in the pull down list.


I realize that this was in the middle of a name change but that is why we verified how we should submit the name. And I felt confident that it was correct since the name we were told to use was in the pulldown list for the log upload.


But when the results came out our club was not listed in the results.

This has discouraged our members from submitting in the club competition. Even if the name change at the ARRL happened after the log submittal and before log checking, it is puzzling to me that some check would not have occurred since we were allowed to submit under that name with the pull-down list and so many members used that name. I was under the impression that the delays for final results occur to work through issues with logs.


Can you explain what happened to not count our club and can we be assured that our club, Fourlanders Contest Team, will count in the next contest?


Thanks for your attention to this matter.


Sherman Banks - W4ATL
