Hey Johnny,

If you can't muddy the waters for a January contest, you'll never do it!

Send it in! The worst they can do is disqualify it (again). If ham radio cannot see fit to integrate remote operations, it does not deserve to continue existing.

Just my thoughts,

On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 11:39 PM John Kludt <johnnykludt@gmail.com> wrote:

Given the current interpretation of the rules I did not submit mine.  Didn't want to muddy the waters.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 6:18 PM Bill Pence <pence.bill@gmail.com> wrote:
 13 logs in so far!!

K4VBMFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 04:01:54
KC4AAWFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 15:56:44
KC4GCKFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 02:23:06
KC4JDFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 04:22:15
KI4USFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 01:20:51
W3CPFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-20 13:57:28
W4ATLFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 09:49:33
W4KXYFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 03:35:52
W4MAAFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 17:52:04
W4TMFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-19 17:14:27
W5TDYFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 14:25:50
WG4IFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 20:59:09
WW8RRFourlanders Contest Team2021-01-18 15:07:56
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