Hello folks,
Audrey McElroy KM4BUN was slated to be on-site for Hamcation, but the opportunity has been overcome by events.

Always to persevere, she will be hosting a webinar with Carole Perry WB2MGP at 10AM Saturday, February 13.
The topic is "Youth Recruitment and Retention in Ham Radio Ideas"


We hope that you can register and join in.
The registration is easy, but it's important.

It's the best metric we have to make sure that we're engaging the kids who will fill our shoes.
Things are different today, with kids and ham radio.

Audrey and Jack are keenly aware of what works, and what does not work when it comes to presenting
ham radio to kids who already (but unknowingly) carry five or six Software Defined Radios in their pockets.

Please take a moment to register here:

Then on Saturday morning grab a cup of coffee, bring a comfy chair to your computer and join in.
Audrey would be thrilled to get a few questions from hometown folks.

Audrey McElroy KM4BUN
Janet McElroy K4PRM
Jack McElroy KM4ZIA
Tom McElroy W4SDR