Is there a contest on the mountain in our future?

On Thu, May 27, 2021, 4:12 PM Bill Pence <> wrote:
hello everyone,

I hope your plans and progress are coming along for the upcoming June VHF contest.

It begins at 2pm eastern time on saturday June 12 and extends until sunday night at 11pm eastern time June 13. 

my small tower is down, so I will be using the 6m half wave loops at 23' & 35'and the satellite yagis for 2m and 432 (they are at a huge 10' elevation...)
I am able to kinda QRO however. I have about 600w on 6m, and 160w on 2m and about 100w on 432.

hopefully by September I will have yagis at about 50'+...  might even have 1296 and 222..

I have a couple of changes to upload to the contest pre approval site to prepare.
if your info has changed (grid, call, etc) please let me know so I can change the "list"

there have been a few instances of people submitting logs that were not on "the list" so they were not able to have their log included.

spread the word. if you know of people who wish to add their logs, they MUST be added to our list BEFORE  the contest.

thanks and 73,

Fourlanders mailing list
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