
Maybe you have already started doing this but I thought I would pass this along.  In my new situation I am always curious to know how I am doing this time versus last time.  The Multiplier window helps with that.   First I opened the multiplier window <Windows><Multipliers><GridSquares> and I exported the September file.  Within the window <Right click><Export Mults & Bands For This Contest>.  This creates a .text file "GoalFiles" found in the subdirectory N1MM User.  This file can then be edited, as desired with Notepad or whatever Then going into the current contest, in this case the January contest, I then opened the  Multiplier List as before and imported the file <right click inside the window> <Edit Expected Mult List> <File> <Import>.  

And there you have it. Anything new gets added to the list by the program.  Another tool to help play radio and have some fun.  It will be interesting to see the differences in propagation this go round.  I am of course hopeful there will be some!

