No one supports that band now so don’t just bash Icom! You can hardly find even an FM rig for that band now. I have given up on it myself. I have a pair of 222 yagis and a transverter I am going to take up to Bob’s place as soon as I can get the time. Maybe he and Brian can get some use out of it. How is the hamfest? I ended up not going because of my cataract surgery on Monday. I came out of the surgery almost blind in that eye! I knew that wasn’t normal because Julie was driving the day after hers. I was agitated to say the least. When the doctor came in and started some hand waving BS I said just one thing. I have three lawyers on speed dial on my phone and one eye left to see it with. In 30 minutes there were at least ten doctors in the post op room examining the eye. The final conclusion was that for “some reason” my cornea had swollen and clouded over. I have been using some special eye drops to try to get the swelling under control with some success.  I have an appointment on Wednesday so we will see where we are at then. Could be looking at a cornial  transplant. Haven’t been to a ham related event in more than two years and every time I am ready to go a knee blows out or I go blind in one eye. Getting old sucks!

Jim, W4KXY

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On Aug 19, 2022, at 11:09 AM, Ron Rogers <> wrote:

Here we go again…… Icom screwing up a potentially very nice multi-VHF band radio by leaving out the 220-225 MHz band capability !!


All of ITU Region 2 has allocations for 220-225 MHz, with the exception of the US & Canada (222-224). I would think there would be sizable marketing interest in all of SA, US, and Canada for a SDR covering the 1.25M band. 

Just because Japan does not have that frequency band allocation, they won't even consider it as a feature in these radios.





From: Fourlanders [] On Behalf Of Kim
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 9:44 AM
To: Fourlanders
Subject: [Fourlanders] Icom 905


Check it out.


73, Kim - WG8S


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