I have moved my QTH to Stillwater, Oklahoma in grid EM16le.
I am most likely not within any of the circles anymore for
participation in contests or the DX Marathon, but look again for
K4VBM on the waterfall.
Moving is pretty traumatic, and it has taken awhile for me to
get my station somewhat put back together and an HF wire up in a
mostly temporary configuration so I could get back on the air.
I have lots of boxes to unpack yet.
On August 13th, I was able to participate in the 6 meter opening
and managed my first 2 contacts in Oklahoma via FT8 using my 6m
vertical that was pretty easy to get back up.
Snagged Turkey, NC and Great Falls, VA from Oklahoma. Great
I now have an end-fed wire up and working that tunes 6m - 160m,
and it is only about 10 - 15 feet high for now but I was able to
have a 20m FT8 QSO with GA, Don Deal, KK4E, today so it is
working reasonably well.
If you need Oklahoma on any band or mode, let me know and we can
try a sched.
So nice to be back on the air. Keep chasing those DX! And good
luck in the September contest.
And maybe with some our your help I could start looking into
setting up an EME set-up in Oklahoma.
Bob Hensey
K4VBM (Very Bad Memory)