
You know, if FourLanders still wanted to play you could put W4NH on the air yourself and those of you lucky enough to live within the contest circle could contribute your scores to the cause from home.  If the SFI stays above 200 this could be one of those "once in a lifetime " opportunities. And if it doesn't happen at least you can be bored at home!

Not sure exactly how but since moving I have ended up with 39 states on 6m which really surprised me.  That's with 70-80 watts and a moxon!  Lately 6m has been open almost every morning to somewhere out here in 7-land. So I'll be looking to see if I can find some of the missing 11 states' propagation gods willing during the contest.

73 to all,

Johnny K7SYS ex-K4SQC

On Sun, Dec 1, 2024 at 11:44 AM Bob Lear <> wrote:
In light of the fact that Jerry will be unable to attend the contest and
cook for us, I see no alternative other than to cancel our participation
in the contest.  Maybe June.  73, Bob

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