[FRC] Re: [frcc] FRC QSL's - W4MPY

Joe Stepansky joe@microserve.net
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 21:08:25 -0400

At 08:51 PM 6/25/2002 -0400, N2TK wrote:
>Just received notice from W4MPY that the FRC QSL prices are going up due to
>postage. The new prices are effective 7/15/02.
>1000 single side (blank backside) = $59.95
>1000 two side (standard back report) = $75.95
>I have order blanks if needed.

And I'll include one in the next newsletter, due out next week.  Thanks for 
the heads up, Tony!

73, Joe KQ3F