[Hooper] Nancy Hooper dau of Obediah, Sr.

Deanna Baumgardner diane at nrgrecording.com
Mon Dec 8 22:41:58 EST 2003

Found this and found it interesting reading:
Nancy born 1-25-1762, died 3-25-1843, married 2-14-1786 William 
They had Mary who married Zadock Motlow. Zadock Motlow,1789-1863, was
married, 1818, in Greenville Co., SC, to Mary (Polly) Goodlett, 1796-
1843 by who he was the father of four sons and six daughters. Mary
Goodlett was a daughter of the Revolutionary War veteran, William
(Goodlett (1760-1836), and Nancy Hooper Goodlett (1762-1843).
The following obituary of Nancy Goodlett was clipped from newspaper,
published at Greenville, South Carolina, in 1843: "Departed this life at
her residence in this District, on North Saluda River, on Saturday
evening, the 25th instant, Mrs. NANCY GOODLETT, consort of the late
WILLIAM GOODLETT, Esq. deceased, aged 81 years and 2 months. Nancy
Hooper, (the maiden name of the deceased) was born on the 25th January,
1762, and was married to her late husband 14th February, 1786. Her natal
place was Lunenburg Co., VA, from whence her parents emigrated to
Spartanburg District, S. C. during its early settlement, where she was
married. Herself and husband were among the first settlers of this
District, a few years after their union, at the place where they both
died, and their remains are deposited within a few yards of their first
home. "Early inured to hardships, from the turbulence of the times and
the delicate health of her mother, she in her youth contracted habits of
industry and domestic economy which were her peculiar characteristics in
after life, and without which she never could have surmounted the many
difficulties that fell to her lot. Not many years after their settlement
in this District, her husband was severely afflicted with rheumatism, in
its worst form, occasioned by the great exposure of seven years' service
in the Revolutionary War, rendered entirely helpless, and heavy charge
upon his wife, requiring a great deal of care and nursing; added, to
this, was seven small children of her own, and as many blacks, all of
them dependent on her exertions and guidance none of them sufficiently
large to render much assistance. Against calamity and affliction, she
struggled with patient, but determined perseverance, and her efforts 
crowned with success. She kept together and raised her family. both 
and black, procuring for her children such an education as the 
of those times afforded-- her husband remaining helpless --never leaving
the house, except on election days, when he always insisted upon being
conveyed to the nearest box that he might enjoy the in- estimable
privilege for which he had suffered so much and so long --but
notwithstanding his helplessness, he was far from being useless, for he
contributed largely to the advancement of the family interest by his 
digested plans and advice, keeping a sharp lookout over everything 
his reach -- and what is very remarkable, was never known to complain of
his fate, bearing with patience and fortitude his severe affliction. As 
reward for their fidelity, they were permitted to enjoy in old age an
ample competency, entirely of their own frugal earnings, and sunk down 
their graves in peace and quiet, surrounded by numerous descendants--
children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. "The deceased has been
for many years an orderly member of the Baptist Church, and none can
doubt the purity of her heart. The last time the writer of this saw her,
she said she had lived out the number of her days, and could not much
longer remain with us. but death had no terrors for her, for she looked
forward with the fondest hope to a bright and happy future. She was a
dutiful wife, an affectionate mother, kind mistress, hospitable and
cheerful hostess, humane and charitable to the poor and afflicted, and
will be long missed and mourned by all who knew her."
Deanna R. (Hooper) Baumgardner
4606 Willis Avenue #105
Sherman Oaks, CA. 91403
818 789-1378

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