[Hooper] Thomas Chalmers Hooper b. April 17, 1908

Deanna Baumgardner diane at nrgrecording.com
Sun Dec 14 22:39:31 EST 2003

For those who have not had access to the Hooper book, I would like to 
quote from it: "Quote from a letter (abstracted) from Thomas Chalmers 
Hooper to May Wait, 1959) "I have in my possession an old land document 
handed down from one generation to another. My daddy (John Word) 
Hooper, at one time had legal form papers dating back to old land 
possessions in the old country, England. In 1922, we moved from Taccoa, 
Georgia to Ayersville, Georgia, leaving behind an old trunk containing 
most of these papers, intending to pick it up later.  It was destroyed 
by the new landlady by mistake.  I happened to have this old land 
transaction in a history book I had been using in my school work.  
Therefore, it was saved.  A letter from William Hooper to his wife and 
children describing the signing of the Declaration of Independence was 
destroyed. According to my daddy's statements, Obadiah and Richard, the 
principals in the land transaction were brothers and sons of William 
Hooper.  Thomas Hooper, a signer as witness to the land transaction was 
the son of Obadiah and John Hooper, also a witness was the son of 
Richard Hooper.  My grandfather was the youngest brother of John and 
the youngest child of Richard R. (?) (Lane) Hooper, II. (signed) T. C. 
Hooper, Atlanta, Georgia. Reference:  Hooper Genealogy, A Southern 
Branch, Vol II, p. 304.

If any descendants of Thomas Chalmers Hooper have knowledge passed down 
from this generation, we would like to hear from them.
Deanna R. (Hooper) Baumgardner
4606 Willis Avenue #105
Sherman Oaks, CA. 91403
818 789-1378

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