[Hooper] Re: Martha Hooper Blackler Kalopothakes

astir astir@gec.gr
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 15:17:47 +0200

  In my research in the internet about Michael Kalopothakes, I found a =
discussion about the family of his wife and his name in a document, in =
your site. Michael Kalopothakes was a Greek, the founder of the Greek =
Evangelical Church, and his wife Martha Hooper Blackler =
Kalopothakes(1830-1871) died in Greece. She died rather young, so we =
(Greek Protestants) don't know much about her.
  Is it possible for you to indicate to me the parentage of his wife =
(her sisters and brothers), and if there are any descendants of them?=20
  John Tsevas   =20

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