[Hooper] John DeBerniere Hooper, b. 1853

Bert Hitchcock hitchwb at auburn.edu
Mon Aug 7 11:20:38 EDT 2006

    In your listing # 16 for Generation #9, the children of George DeB.
Hooper and Caroline Mallett Hooper, you have the dates 1853-1957 for the
seventh child, John DeB. Hooper.  Is it possible for you to verify this
death date for me? To let me know the source of this information, and
any other pertinent facts? (1957 would be his 104th
    I will be most appreciative, believe me.
    I am doing research on the book DOWN THE RIVER; OR, PRACTICAL
LESSONS UNDER THE CODE DUELLO (1874) written by John's brother, George
William Hooper (1839-1883).
     Many thanks.
                                   Bert Hitchcock
                                   (Hargis Professor of American
                                     Auburn University)

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