[Hooper] Hooper Connections Update

Clay Hooper clayhooper at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 9 15:30:06 EDT 2006

Hello Everyone ~

A new DNA Participant, John Hooper, has results now posted on the 
website (<http://www.hooperconnections.com> follow the links to the DNA 
Table).  He is Participant # 62248 - on line 1-06 with ancestor from 

Also, want to let you know Layton Hooper has submitted pictures that are 
now on the website (follow links to pictures).

Karen Trull has updated her email address and is as follows:  
<trullkaren at yahoo.com>.  Her pictures use to be under "Karen Jordan", 
now they're under "Karen Trull".

And lastly, want to let you know ahead of time that I'm planning on 
removing all email addresses from all the many various pages on the 
website and put them all on one email locator page.  It's just too time 
consuming to try and hunt down where email addresses are located when 
someone needs a change of address and I'm hoping it will be easier on 
everyone if they're all located together.  Of course, this will be a 
huge project to do - as it will involve editing each page individually 
and then reloading it to the Internet, so it may take a long time - just 
don't want you to get nervous if you see your email address gone from a 
page where it's always been.

Hope you're all having a great weekend!
~ Clay

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