[Hooper] Hooper / May

Prologheidi at aol.com Prologheidi at aol.com
Mon Nov 13 14:58:21 EST 2006

I am looking for photos to use in a Christmas project that I want to  
complete for my Dad. If anyone has photos of John May (Shelby County -- Texas  
Ranger) George "Pappy May", Nancy Richardson Smith, or any of the Shelby/Panola  
county Cockrells, Mays, Hickmans or Hoopers, etc. I am interested in  putting 
together these photos in a book form and saving them on cd. I am  willing to 
share what I get in (as long as those that share the pics with me  don't mind) as 
Please let me know if you have photos I might use and/or know where I can  
locate them. I know it is close to Christmas to start this type of project, but  
my dad would love this book that I want to put together and any help you can  
give would be greatly appreciated.
Heidi  Parker
Pro-Log, Inc.

Fax:  337.364.7651

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