[Hooper] Early Joseph Hooper/Goochland County, VA.

Deanna Baumgardner diane at nrgrecording.com
Fri Apr 6 23:13:20 EDT 2007

Goochland County Wills and Deeds 1728-1741 (18-19):

p. 265 Deed 19 July 1731. James Neville of Goochland Co., planter, to  
Joseph Hooper of same, for L 20 400 acres on south side of James  
River, bounded as by patent 27 April 1724, with all houses, etc.
Wit:  Jos. Thompson, David Patteson, Joseph Ashlin
Signed: James Nevil
recorded 20 July 1734.

p. 266. Deed 19 July 1731 Joseph Hooper of Goochland Co., to James  
Nevil, planter, of same, for L 20 200 acres on south side of James  
River bounded by Joseph Mayo, with all houses, etc.
Wit: David Patteron, Jos. Thompson, Joseph Ashlin
Signed Joseph Hooper
recorded 20 July 1734.


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