[kids] How much activity should I expect?

Scott A. Stembaugh scott@purdue.edu
Tue, 9 Dec 1997 14:57:13 EST

On  9 Dec 97 at 12:42, Fatchett, Mike wrote:

> There is lots of activity.  My son and I worked about 45 stations in a
> couple of hours and met some great people.  Some of the older kids were
> running stations!  You can count us in.  
> Mike
> W0MU

Thanks for all of the quick responses!  It sounds like a ton of fun 
for the critters.  Count us in for at least a couple of hours!

--scott N9LJX

Scott A. Stembaugh - Project Administrator
scott@purdue.edu (765)494-3308 Fax: (765)496-1380

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