[kids] KE1KD - Alyssa & Katie Logs

Scott Babb sbabb@lpub.com
Sat, 2 Jan 1999 22:30:25 +0000

Great Kid's Day!

After prying Alyssa and Katie loose from an intense
backgammon game, we braved the frigid basement to
operate Kid's Day.  The girls did great, but several
trips to warmer parts of the house were required, just
to thaw out!

The girls had a good time.  Katie would have preferred
to chat for the entire contest with just one or two
people, while Alyssa was intent on keeping her QSO rate
up.  I guess she's watched me in contests too much ;-)

For Katie, all exchanges sent were "Katie, 7, NH, Black",
although she did try to change her mind later on the
favorite color, opting for "Black and Tie-dyed."

All exchanges sent by Alyssa were "Alyssa, 10, NH, Green."

Here are their logs:


Time     Call      Name          Age   QTH   Color        Notes
1854     K0RF      KENDRA        10    CO    RED
1913     KB4KUA    CAITLIN       8     FL    BLUE
1919     K6XX      LISA          4     CA    GREEN
1939     N5XE      CARL          35    OK    BLUE
2003     N5ETV     ALICIA        7     TX    BLACK
2050     KI0NR     CRYSTAL       13    CO    GREEN
2051     KI0NR     ANN           11    CO    BLACK
2242     KM5OT     GILLIAN       10    TX    PURPLE
2247     KE4RGD    DICK          53    TN    BLUE
2248     N5NU      JASON         15    TX    BLUE
2309     KC0GIV    JIM           10    KS    RED
2311     KE5O      SEVE          7     TX    BLUE
2317     N7LT      MAX           11    MT    BLUE
2345     WS7L      CARL          45    OR    NONE
2345     WS7L      ALICE         11    OR    GREEN


Time     Call      Name          Age   QTH    Color       Notes
1904     K0RF      KENDRA        10    CO     RED
1910     WB4KTF    GLEN          49    TX     GREEN       MOBILE
1922     K6XX      LISA          4     CA     GREEN
1924     W5USV     NIKKI         10    TX     GREEN
1926     W5USV     EMILY         8     TX     PURPLE
1942     AB5K      JOSH          11    TX     RED
1944     KC5VYP                        TX                 MOBILE
1953     AC5HL     MEGAN         9     TX     PURPLE
1956     AC5HL     KATIE         9     TX     PURPLE
1957     KC5GUD    DAVID         42    OK     BLUE
1959     AC5HL     ALY           5     TX     PINK
2025     AA5BT     DAVID         9     TX     BLUE
2110     WT9Q      TRAVIS        10    WI     BLUE
2151     KF7MD     JEFF          9     CO     BLUE
2154     KB9NDF    KIM           13    IN     WHITE
2157     WB8IEA    CHRIS         7     OH     BLUE
2158     KG9NB     SARAH         8     MO     BLUE
2201     N8LFG     CORY          9     OH     GREEN
2203     W7LEE     MOLLY         7     SC     PURPLE
2208     N4VI      BRITTANY      8     CO     PURPLE
2211     WM8Z      ROBBIE        9     MI     AQUA
2214     WK0F      TARYN         11    IA     GREEN
2216     KG0BH     GRACE         11    MI     PINK
2218     KB4BYH    ROGER         41    TN     BLUE
2220     WB9NRK    DALE          40    WI     RED
2222     KB0POS    TOM           49    MO     RED
2223     WA7HDZ    LARRY         49    WA     BLUE
2225     KQ9Q      TERRY         4     IN     PINK
2227     K9YNF     WAYNE         52    WI     BLUE
2229     KD4YDC    ROBERT        35    GA     BLUE
2230     KD4YDC    SHELBY        5     GA     ALL
2231     KD4YDC    BRITTANY      1     GA     ALL
2232     KD4YDC    ROBIN         7     GA     PURPLE
2235     N5NXS     SARAH         9     TX     BLUE
2237     W5USV     NIKKI         10    TX     BLUE
2239     W5USV     EMILY         8     TX     PURPLE
2240     AB6SV     LOURDES       13    TX     BLUE-GREEN
2319     N0UVP     NEAL          50    NE     GREEN
2320     N0UVP     JONATHAN      8     NE     RED/BLUE
2320     WA0IVY    TONY          76    MO     BLUE
2322     W0JF      YARDLAY       85    CO     BLUE
2323     N0HW      BILL          53    MO     BLUE
2326     KM5SO     PAUL          13    AR     BLUE
2327     W0YE      KEVIN         37    MO     BLUE/BLACK
2329     WC5D      BRETT         10    TX     TURQUOISE
2330     N6TDM     JESSICA       11    MO     PURPLE      MOBILE
2340     WA9ALS    LIZ           7     IN     PURPLE
2341     WA9ALS    SARAH         3     IN     PINK
2341     WA9ALS    WES           8     IN     ORANGE
2341     WA9ALS    JOHN          50    IN     RED
2342     WS7L      CARL          45    OR     NONE
2343     WS7L      ALICE         11    OR     GREEN

They'll be on again in the next one, with a warmer ham shack!
Now we need to buckle down and get the cards out...

73 de KE1KD,
Scott, Alyssa, and Katie Babb

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