[Kids] Re: Kid's Day At W1AW

ve6afo at rac.ca ve6afo at rac.ca
Wed Dec 31 17:57:24 EST 2003

Hi Mark,

Great to hear that W1AW will be active on Kid's Day. Point your beam up 
toward the Great White North and watch for VE6BGC (that is - VE6 Boys & 
Girls Club). Actually this station is located at the Aero-Space Museum in 
Calgary, AB and the station is located in a corner of the museum known as 
the "Dr. Robert Thirsk Communications Center" which was dedicated in 2001. 
Of course Dr. Thirsk is one of our own Canadian astronauts who has worked 
with kids since as long as I can remember. Once kids chat with him they ALL 
want to be astronauts! By the way - his call sign is VA3CSA (VA3 Canadian 
Space Agency).

CUL...and Happy New Year!

73, Ken Oelke - VE6AFO

PS - if you have time check out the QCWA Wild Rose Chapter 151 Web site at: 
http://www.qsl.net/ve6afo  to see what we are doing with kids at the 
Chestermere Lake Middle School. This is a new program for us under the 
Radio Amateurs of Canada Youth Education Program (YEP). We are proud of our 
accomplishments thus far.
>I will be operating W1AW on Kids Day from 1800Z/1300L to about =
>2300Z/1800L this Sunday, January 4th.  If interested, please stop by =
>with your kids for a visit and a little operating.  I will operate =
>primarily on 20 meter SSB.
>Mark Spencer, WA8SME
>Project Coordinator,
>ARRL Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program
>ARRL Headquarters
>225 Main Street
>Newington, CT 06111-1494
>(860) 594-0396
>wa8sme at arrl.org=20

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