[Kids] Upcoming Kids events

Steve Champion steve.champion at verizon.net
Fri Apr 30 09:50:55 EDT 2004

I'm wanting to be active in promoting Amateur Radio to local kids, and it
looks like the main events would be:

Kids' Day June 19th
Field Day June 26th-27th
J.O.T.A 3rd weekend in October
Kids' Day Jan 2005
Kids' Roundup 1st Sat. in April 2005

Did I miss any?

Does anyone have any good tips for such events?

My son Ben (AE6NX age 13) and daughter Kate (KG6TWK age 10) have been doing
a great job of getting friends interested in the hobby, but there is nothing
quite like getting kids in front of the microphone to drum up some interest.
Kate & I tried to do some operating for Kids' Roundup but there was very
little activity apparent from here in So. California

Steve AE6NX

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