[Kids] Thoughts on Kid's day

Ed Gilliland w5tm at ecewb.com
Tue Jan 9 07:56:08 EST 2007

Hello John,

Morgan/12, Kelly/8, and I got on 14,280 at 2000Z.  We were able to work 
WA3IHV/Calif, W4KVW/Fla, W3MRL/Penn, and W2FMB/NJ.  Thanks guys.  After 
those 4 Q's Kelly CQ'd until she lost interest.  Band conditions seemed 
good here.  I'm sure we would have had more Q's if we had been on at the 

Low bands would be fine with me.


John Clinton wrote:
> Band conditions were poor for me (QTH Atlanta, GA) and 20m was the only band
> open based on the recommended frequencies (20m, 15m, and 10m).  Everyone
> seemed to stepping on each other at times in the small section of 20m (
> 14.270 - 14.300).
> How about we specify a section on 40m and perhaps 80m, at least until band
> conditions improve on 15 and 10m?
> Thoughts?
> John

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