[Kids] June Kids Day

Tree tree at kkn.net
Tue Apr 8 11:11:01 EDT 2008

On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 12:34:13AM -0500, Howard Parks wrote:

> Our club has our Field Day at a county historical site.  They have
> been gracious hosts and don't charge us a cent for the use of the
> place or electricity.   This year, they decided to have a free
> admission weekend (for county residents) at the same time as Field Day
> in order to let the two events feed each other.  Except they got the
> dates wrong.. their free weekend is June 21 and 22nd.  However,
> proving once more that it is truly an ill wind as blows nobody good,
> their event now encompasses Kids Day instead of Field Day.  I'd be
> hard pressed to pick a better day for mutual promotion.  Plus, I've
> wanted our club to do something for Kids Day for years.  So hopefully
> we will get alot of parents and kids coming out to see the historic
> buildings, watch demonstrations of crafts and trades, and sharing
> their age and favorite color with other kids all over the country.  We
> will be on the air both Saturday and Sunday, beyond the official
> limits of the event.

Sounds like a great opportunity Howard - best of luck with your event.

73 Tree N6TR

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