[Mldxcc] MLDXCC Field Day

Jim Venneman wx6v at msn.com
Mon Jun 28 03:17:59 EDT 2004


Wanted to give a quick report about our club's Field Day effort at Peddler Hill. We netted around 2,250-2,300 QSOs between the two main stations (1,832 Qs), the GOTA station (around 300 Qs), and the VHF station (around 150 Qs). This was a significant improvement over last year's effort. This does not include our bonus points. I will sit down in the next few days, assemble the details, and submit a full recap of our score. I will also include a few highlights of the weekend from my perspective.

Bottom line - a great time was had by all participants. Thanks for being a club that eagerly supports these kinds of activities. 


Jim  -WX6V- 

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