[Mldxcc] MLDX/CC online board meeting

Jim Venneman wx6v at sbcglobal.net
Sun Apr 24 22:17:11 EDT 2005

Hi Dick et al,
First of all - please pass along to the mldxcc at contesting.com list moderator that my e-mail address has changed to wx6v at sbcglobal.net. My MSN address will only work through the end of April.
Concerning the Ione Hotel - we had a good meeting there (I thought) this last month. We all moved over into the other room for Norm's IOTA presentation. Hotel management was very accommodating with our needs - even turned down the lights so we could see the screen better. However, several of us were talking after the meeting that the hotel is really too small for the joint club meeting in July. We will need to meet again at the Senior Center. 
By the way - I have the joint meeting notice sitting on my computer at work. I will update it for the current year and send it to you and Rick this week. I have made some preliminary contact with the folks at NCCC over a possible meeting topic for our meeting. However, with the recent elections, the responsible party has now changed. I'll get in touch with the new programs chairman and start working on our July meeting program. One idea that I had was to have a contesting/logging software fete. NCCC had a meeting like this many years ago - where various contesting programs (5-6 as I recall) were on display. Individuals set up computers with their favorite contesting or logging software on them and were available to explain the highlights & workings of the software. Just a thought.  

Concerning Field Day - Dave was at the April meeting and he is on board again. We talked briefly about having enough power cord to move the generator far enough away from the stations to avoid diesel fumes. No problem. Also - Joe, N6GWT, mentioned that a friend of his had recently become an SK and that his wife might be interested in selling his ham gear - which includes a 20 meter beam. I have been in contact with Joe since the meeting - the wife is interested in selling the beam to the club and is musing over a fair price for it. Apparently, the antenna is fairly new. I'll let you know when Joe gets back to me again with more information. 
 I will have to miss the May club meeting because our bowling team is competing in the State bowling tournament that weekend. The tournament is being held in Sacramento this year. Unfortunately, the May meeting is when I typically get the ball really rolling for Field Day preparations. I guess that I will have to do a lot of this year's initial preparations via e-mail and then plan on finalizing things at the June club meeting. Maybe someone who will be at the May meeting will volunteer to help me with this initial planning work. If you could do this, let me know so that I can prepare you as much as possible for what we need to accomplish at the May meeting.
That's it! See y'all and good DXing.
Jim  -WX6V- 

Dick Wilson <k6lrn at arrl.net> wrote:
Sorry I was ill and missed the April meeting.

In the interim, we have made a couple of 'executive decisions'. There 
has been some negative feedback on the Ione Hotel. As a result, 'we' 
decided to return to the Senior Center in Jackson for our annual joint 
meeting with the Northern California Contest Club. Thanks to Ray for 
'penciling' us in for the July 23 date. That leaves the arrangements for 
the 'pot-luck' and for a speaker/entertainment to be determined. I would 
like someone (or several someones) to take on the chore that has been 
done so ably by Ken & Kay in the past if they are unwilling or unable. 
Jim...I have the joint meeting notice on file-somewhere. Could you 
update it and rearrange the who brings what list? We need suggestions 
for speaker/entertainment. It'll be hard to follow the 75 M beam and 
K6SRZ's trip to Banaba. Where are the supplies for the potluck?? Do we 
need to purchase more??

Thanks to Jeff, WK6I and to Rick, N6RK for their help with the recent DX 
Convention. Also a hearty thanks to the many members who worked with 
Jeff and Rick so that no one person was 'stuck' for too long. Due to 
Jeff 'rounding off' the dinner tab at the contest dinner, MLDX/CC 
treasury is a little more robust.

Field Day is rapidly approaching. How is the snow level at Peddler 
Hill?? Has anyone heard from Dave, GEF?? Any luck with beam acquisition 
or other antennae??

Would we want to recruit a hard-nosed MC type for the next DX 
Convention?? One that would limit speaker and presentations at both 
banquet & breakfast. As interesting as some speakers have been in the 
past, I think 3-4 hours of sitting is a 'bit too much'. Any thoughts??

I know I am forgetting/ignoring someone/something, but this should start 
discussion. Any thoughts, ideas, etc?? Anything else??

73 & great DX,

Dick Wilson K6LRN

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