[Mldxcc] [The Daily DX] FJ update December 21 2100Z

Dick Wilson k6lrn at gotsky.com
Fri Dec 21 20:25:04 EST 2007

The following update is from OH0XX, Olli, and OH2BH, Martti on Saint
Barthelemy Island - FJ/OH2AM.

The team has three verticals up on the beach for continued operation over
the next 12-24 hours on 17, 20 and 40 meters CW and SSB.  Remember there are
two ops and two stations.  Over the next three hours or so Martti will
continue on 20 SSB.  This is a good time for the JAs and some Pacific
Islands.  Olli will start out on 40 CW.  The 40 meter station will remain on
the band mostly CW but maybe some SSB (probably after 0900Z).  On Saturday
after their sunrise watch for them on 20 and 17 meters probably
simultaneously.  They have an 20 meter high vertical for the 75/80 meter
band which they hope to have installed and running by Sunday night (their
time).  So the thinking right now is Sunday night one mode and Monday night
the other mode on this band.  Many have asked about when the operation will
end.  Olli is currently scheduled to leave the island around noon (local
time) on Tuesday.  Martti is scheduled to leave on Wednesday early in the
morning.  So this should give you an idea of how much more time you have to
get into their log.  Remember there will be no online log search during the
operation!  QSL FJ/OH2AM via OH2BN.  This message will be posted to
http://www.dailydx.com/barthelemy.htm.  You may send this email to your
friends and club or DX reflectors.

73 and Merry Christmas

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Now more than ever - you need The Daily DX and The Weekly DX - to keep up
with the DX news from around the globe!

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