[Mldxcc] SDR

Raymond Parker nd6sarrl at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 31 17:59:14 EST 2007

Anyone operate, build or thinking about SDR ? I'm looking for advice on which radio and software to use. Also any advice on tools for working on SMT.
  I'm also looking for a Force 12 antenna with 4 or more elements for 20 meters and at least 2 elements on 40 meters. Anything in the wood pile? I'll have a Wilson 420 with updated element spacing and gravity pleasing under-slung elements along with an EF 240 to sell if I make a change. 
  Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year. Thanks to the 2007 MLDXCC board and leadership for a great year. 
  73 ND6S Ray

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