[Mldxcc] Page two of Nugget Rambling

Raymond Parker nd6sarrl at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 7 13:54:15 EST 2007

To criticize a fine institution like Lotw without suggesting solutions sounds shallow. Here is page two that faded into cyber space. 
  Thanks to Rick for doing a great Job as Editor. 
  Page 2
  The original system was designed to be a break-even project. That doesn’t sound like my league. Make the Lotw a profit center by encouraging more users. Encourage more use by simplifying the system. Check with the eQSL guys if you need help. 
  After some careful gleaning and log data conversions, I’ve submitted 3.427 QSO records to Lotw. I have 639 QSL records. Out of 639 QSLs I had 26 matches for band, mode or DXCC. I paid $23.50 to get these 26 credits. 
  Many of these matches including the BS7H for DXCC, I had the cards in the shoebox. BUT, wonder of wonders, FR/J AKA T04E Juan de Nova, Europa Island was a credit for DXCC and a New One. 
  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need a cup of coffee.
  CU in the YK9 pileups. Ray ND6S

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